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‘Look behind the heart!’ – hiatus hernia an easily overlooked cause for central chest pain

Tahir Nazir

Consultant Physician, Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, UK

E-mail : aa

DOI: 10.15761/CRIS.1000122

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A fifty-four-year-old man was admitted to the acute medical unit with central chest pain radiating to his throat. His initial investigations including ECG and cardiac enzymes were within the normal range. His chest X-ray was also considered to be normal, initially (Figure 1). Due to his risk factors for ischaemic heart disease (smoking and hypertension), he was started on anti-platelets and low molecular weight heparin that resulted in deterioration of his symptoms and coffee ground vomiting.

Figure 1. PA chest x-ray film that was initially thought to be normal

Upon re-revisiting the history, he described his chest pain as burning sensation associated with food with no exertional component. His chest x-ray was also re-examined, it showed a large hiatus hernia represented by a rounded shadow with an air-fluid level visible behind the heart (Figure 2). Further cardiac investigations were found to be normal and upper GI endoscopy confirmed a hiatus hernia with reflux- gastritis. He was treated with high dose proton pump inhibitors leading to a complete resolution of his symptoms.  A careful history taking, and review of chest x-ray may reveal the cause of central chest pain in some patients; historically helpful hint from radiologists ‘look behind the heart’ still holds true.

Figure 2. PA – chest x-ray showing a large hiatus hernia with an air-fluid level behind the cardiac shadow (arrow)

Editorial Information


Article Type

Image Article

Publication history

Received date: January 18, 2019
Accepted date: January 25, 2019
Published date: January 28, 2019


©2019 Nazir T. This2021 Copyright OAT. All rights reservd under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Nazir T (2019) ‘Look behind the heart!’ – hiatus hernia an easily overlooked cause for central chest pain. Case Rep Imag Surg 2: DOI:10.15761/CRIS.1000122

Corresponding author

Nazir T

Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, UK

Figure 1. PA chest x-ray film that was initially thought to be normal

Figure 2. PA – chest x-ray showing a large hiatus hernia with an air-fluid level behind the cardiac shadow (arrow)