Editor in chief
Will be updated soon.
Peter Mwika Francis Osawa James Ngung’u Timothy Jumbi
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 30, 2020
Si-Wook Lee Kwang-Soon Song Kyung-Jae Lee Chang-Jin Yon Hyuk-Jun Kwon
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
July 03, 2020
Surgery and Rehabilitation is an online open access journal which is dedicated to the global advancement of surgery
and rehabilitation. The aim of the publication is to advance education and impact the specialty of surgery and rehabilitation through the timely delivery of clinically relevant and evidence-based research
and review information.
Papers can be submitted to any discipline related to general surgery, pediatric surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, rural surgery, orthopedic surgery, urology, surgical oncology, radiology, anaesthesia, trauma services, minimal access surgery, endocrine surgery, GI surgery, ENT, colorectal surgery, after surgery, amputation, anesthesia, artificial limbs, assisted breathing, assistive devices and rehabilitation.
SRJ will feature articles that are contemporary and important to both research and clinical practice. It publishes original research, review papers, clinical studies, editorials, expert opinion and perspective papers, letters to editor, preliminary communications and technical notes, practice management updates, commentaries, statistical themes, images, emerging issues, ethical/legal topics and book reviews.
SRJ welcomes direct submissions from authors: Attach your word file with e-mail and send it to: submissions@oatext.com alternatively to: editor.srj@oatext.com
Please, follow the Instructions for Authors. In the cover letter add the name and e-mail address of 5 proposed reviewers (we can choose them or not).
Copyright is retained by the authors and articles can be freely used and distributed by others. Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published by SRJ, is properly cited.
Will be updated soon.
Will be updated soon.
Chief, Spine Center
Japan Community Health Care Organization
Tokyo, Japan
Department of Plastic Surgery
University of Alabama at Birmingham
School of Medicine
University of Maryland Baltimore
Section Chief
Pediatric Surgery Surgeon-in-chief
Carilion Clinic Children's Hospital
Associate Professor of Surgery, Virginia Tech Carilion Clinic Medical School
Division of Thoracic Surgery
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Department of Surgery
The University of Texas Medical Branch
Department of Pathology
Perdana University
Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
Serdang, Malaysia
Baylor Scott & White Memorial Hospital
University of Colorado Hospital
Chief, Section of Spinal Surgery, Scoliosis and Pediatric Orthopaedics
Carilion Clinic Orthopaedics
Roanoke, VA, USA
Manager, Myra Mahon Patient Resource Center Weill Cornell Medicine
New York
Professor of Surgery
McGill University
Associate Professor of Surgery
Department of Surgery
Division of Urology
Texas A&M Health Science Center
Department of Surgery/Otorhinolaryngology
Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
University Putra Malaysia
Selangor, Malaysia
Associate Program Director
General Surgery Residency
Baylor University Medical Center
Pediatric Anaesthesiologist
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur
Department of Orthopaedics
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University/Rhode Island Hospital
Department of General Surgery
Albany Medical College
Department of Surgery
International Islamic University Malaysia
Surgical Medical Student Clerkship
Department of Surgery, Section of Surgical Oncology
University of Kansas Medical Center
Department Chair in General Studies
Stevens—The Institute of Business & Arts
Department of Surgery and Critical Care
University of Alberta
Alberta, Canada
Department of Surgery Dentistry
Paediatrics and Gynecology
University of Verona
Division of Endovascular and Vascular Surgery
University of South Florida School of Medicine
Department of Surgery
International Islamic University Malaysia
Department Chair Orthopedic Surgery
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Integrative Medicine and Rehabilitation
Louisiana State University
Senior Consultant Urology
Al Wakra Hospital/Hamad Medical Corporation
Department of Surgery
School of Medicine
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Department of Surgery
University of Toledo
Will be update soon
Peter Mwika Francis Osawa James Ngung’u Timothy Jumbi
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 30, 2020
Si-Wook Lee Kwang-Soon Song Kyung-Jae Lee Chang-Jin Yon Hyuk-Jun Kwon
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
July 03, 2020
Kyu Nam Kim Ji Hee Chang Hyung Jun Cho
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
January 25, 2021
Peter Mwika Francis Osawa James Ngung’u Timothy Jumbi
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 30, 2020
Si-Wook Lee Kwang-Soon Song Kyung-Jae Lee Chang-Jin Yon Hyuk-Jun Kwon
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
July 03, 2020
Kyu Nam Kim Ji Hee Chang Hyung Jun Cho
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
January 25, 2021
S Radha I Afzal W Radford
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
January 03, 2020
Prasit Mahawongkajit
Letter to Editor-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
January 06, 2020
Tsuyoshi Shimo Fumiya Harada Kazuhiro Miyamoto Tatsuji Odachi Masahiro Ishikawa Karnoon Shamsoon
Takashi Saito Tomofumi
Kawakami Yoshihiro Abiko Eiji Nakayama Hiroki Nagayasu
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
February 10, 2020
Karnoon Shamsoon Fumiya Harada Shintaro Yodogawa Shigehiro Takeda Saki Fujii Yoshihiro Abiko Eiji Nakayama Takashi Saito Hiroki Nagayasu Tsuyoshi Shimo
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
February 28, 2020
Cherry TJ Tasevski R Li R
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
April 15, 2019
Ertugrul G Karakaya A Yanaral T Cakir T Unal A Aydin C
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
April 16, 2019
Dargan D Mazur K Radakrishnan G Caddick J
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
May 24, 2019
Nafady M Elkhayat H Azer SZ Mohammed MA
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
May 27, 2019
Enrico Maria Amadei Claudio Cola
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
October 19, 2018
David Hamilton Jeremy Tan Harsha Chandraratna
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
October 22, 2018
Franco Alessandri Matteo Tantari Fabio Barra Valerio Gaetano Vellone Claudio Gustavino Simone Ferrero Maria Grazia Centurioni
Image-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
October 26, 2018
Muhammad Ajmal
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
October 29, 2018
Navin Sookar Neesha Sookar Jameel Ali
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
December 20, 2018
Rajul Ranka Anuj Jain Amol Gadbail Minal Chaudhary
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
January 11, 2019
Kevin A Honan Katelin Holmes Albert O-Yurvati
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
January 14, 2019
Semire Serin Ezer
Letter to Editor-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
June 22, 2018
Michael Stephanides Angel Farinas S. Peir Johnson Matthew Thayer Wesley Thayer
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
July 18, 2018
Franz Porzsolt
Commentary-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
July 20, 2018
Frederick L Hitti Jeremy E Adler Ming Zhang Matt L Kirkland William C Welch
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
July 24, 2018
Ismail Selvi Ali Ihsan Arik M Sinan Basay
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
July 31, 2018
Pirabu Sakthivel Smile Kajal Chirom Amit Singh
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
August 03, 2018
Katsuhiro Toda Takahiro Takayama Kanzo Amano
Short Communication-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
May 17, 2018
Thiago Pires Brito Henrique Furlan Pauna Renato Caleffi Pereira Raimundo Vinicius de Araujo Rego Arthur Menino Castilho Jorge Rizzato Paschoal
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
May 31, 2018
Shiva Seetahal
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
June 15, 2018
Hekmat Zarzour
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
June 22, 2018
Joshua Altschuler Matthew Janko Robert I. Hacker
Mini Review-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
June 22, 2018
Kian Bagheri Afsheen Moshtaghi Ara S Klijian
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
June 22, 2018
Soares JP Costa-Matos A Toledo LGM Juveniz J Dall Oglio M
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 14, 2018
William J. Hill Ahmad Fashandi David R. Diduch
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 30, 2018
Xavier Jimenez-Guiu Antonio Romera-Villegas Santiago Riera-Batalla Francisco Javier Marti-Mestre Antoni Riera-Mestre Ramon Vila-Coll
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 30, 2018
Jonathan France Alex Ward Nikhil Nanavati
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 30, 2018
Jude Hancock Sue Jackson Sue Jackson
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 31, 2018
Alessandro Aprato Caterina Alluto Paolo Dainese Mattia Roppolo Emanuela Rabaglietti Massimiliano Gollin Alessandro Masse
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
April 23, 2018
Mohamed Saufi Awang
Letter to Editor-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
November 02, 2017
Stacy Gallese Cassel Jennifer A McIlvaine
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
December 01, 2017
Martiniani M Meco L Procaccini R Giampaolini Specchia N
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
December 30, 2017
Panagiotis Zogopoulos Vasileios Gkorgkolis Spiros Kollias Konstantinos Sagris Georgios Vretakos Dimitrios Rologis
Review Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
Junary 15, 2018
Silvia Zapata Melissa Castillo-Bustamante Marisa Casiraghi Patricia Farias Luis Gesu Juan Di Bittonto Maria Andrea Ricardo Francisco Gabriel Errea
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
February 02, 2018
Luke Sammut
Review Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
February 15, 2018
Gil Morata E Fontaneda Heredia A Guerrero Orriach Jose L Muñoz Garcia A Raigón Ponferrada A Baena López M Fernandez Ramirez A Ramirez Fernandez M Cruz Mañas J
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
September 11, 2017
Antonio Salas Alfonso Delgado
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
September 14, 2017
Jinesh A Dugad Smita Athavale Gunjan Chouksey Ravish Tongya
Review Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
September 17, 2017
Mehmet Yildirim Savas Yakan
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
September 21, 2017
Catherina Jahn Michael Trimmel
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
October 04, 2017
Francesca Zotti
Editorial-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
October 26, 2017
Guru Dutta Satyarthee Neetu Kochhar
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
June 30, 2017
Roriz-Silva R Furuno da Silva H Ramagem CA
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
August 19, 2017
Mohammad Hossein Dashti Roxana Hashemian Mohammad-Mehdi Imani-Emadi Arman Torbati
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
August 20, 2017
Mehmet Yildirim Oktay Bilgir Enver Vardar Selin Canpolat
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
August 22, 2017
Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi
Review Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
August 31, 2017
Li Gun
Mini-Review-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
August 31, 2017
Keith Michael Cavaness
Short Communication-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
April 21, 2017
Azhani C Chan KH Fadli M Saufi A
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
April 24, 2017
Oboirien Muhammad Agbo Stephen
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
May 17, 2017
Barbara Koneczny Nicole M. Artner Eva Gyoeri Igor Pona Tzou CH Walter G. Kropatsch
Short Communication-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
May 29, 2017
Brett B. Clark
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
June 11, 2017
Vishal Mago Neetu Kochhar
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
June 23, 2017
Mark Trullinger Deepti Pradhan Tom A. Bruns Brett B. Clark
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 13, 2017
Jason Bryant
Short Communication Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 15, 2017
Colin T. Graney Marcus A. Baxter
Case Study Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 20, 2017
Zakk Walterscheid Conor O’Neill Jonathan Carmouche
Review Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 20, 2017
Justin H Bartley
Opinion Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
April 03, 2017
Francesca Zotti
Editorial Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
April 20, 2017
SRJ welcomes direct submissions from authors: Attach your word file with e-mail and send it to: submissions@oatext.com alternatively to: editor.srj@oatext.com
Surgery and Rehabilitation is an Open Access journal and we do not charge the end user when accessing a manuscript or any article. This allows the scientific community to view, download, distribution of an article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited, under the term of "Creative Commons Attribution License". In line with other open access journals we provide a flat fee submission structure on the acceptance of a peer-reviewed article which covers in part the entirety of the publication pathway (the article processing charge). The process includes our maintenance, submission and peer review systems and international editing, publication and submission to global indexing and tracking organisations and archiving to allow instant access to the whole article and associated supplementary documents. We also have to ensure enough investment to secure a sustainable model which ethically, legally and financially stable.
The publication charges for Surgery and Rehabilitation are GBP 1590.
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Peter Mwika Francis Osawa James Ngung’u Timothy Jumbi
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
March 30, 2020
Si-Wook Lee Kwang-Soon Song Kyung-Jae Lee Chang-Jin Yon Hyuk-Jun Kwon
Research Article-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
July 03, 2020
Tsuyoshi Shimo Fumiya Harada Kazuhiro Miyamoto Tatsuji Odachi Masahiro Ishikawa Karnoon Shamsoon
Takashi Saito Tomofumi
Kawakami Yoshihiro Abiko Eiji Nakayama Hiroki Nagayasu
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
February 10, 2020
Karnoon Shamsoon Fumiya Harada Shintaro Yodogawa Shigehiro Takeda Saki Fujii Yoshihiro Abiko Eiji Nakayama Takashi Saito Hiroki Nagayasu Tsuyoshi Shimo
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
February 28, 2020
Cherry TJ Tasevski R Li R
Case Report-Surgery and Rehabilitation (SRJ)
April 15, 2019